
You'll find most accommodations on Nosy Kely, a coastal promontory which can be reached by taxi from the airport. Expect to pay up to Euro 30-40 per night.

Chez Maggie Hotel ( has excellent accommodations. Comfortable bungalows and chalets very close to the ocean on the Nosy Kely. Very good restaurant which is much in demand, ensure you reserve for dinner.

The Chez Maggie offers quality excursions to many of the attractions of the Menabe Western Region including: Tsingy de Bemaraha, Avenue of the Baobabs, Kirindy Forest, Belo sur Mer and the Manambolo & Tsiribihina Rivers. They also have excellent naturalist guides fluent in English, French, Germany, Spanish and Japanese.

Baobab Cafe: Comfortable rooms within one building. Across the road from Chez Maggie and backs onto the river. French run. Excellent restaurant.