

dialing code

The international dialing code for Bhutan is 975


Is readily available in the majority of hotels throughout the country. many of the internet cafes offer wifi also. most population centres have internet cafes, although they are relatively expensive, and the connection is slow. please make sure your travel agent find an appropriate internet cafe in advance if you need a connection for work.


Telephone call booths are existent in major towns in Bhutan

Hospitals and clinics
are located throughout the country, even in the remotest areas. However, travelers should not expect hi-tech facilities, and at many of the Basic Health Units the resident doctor is often away.
Indigenous medical facilities
are located in all district capitals, with the largest being in Thimphu, so it is also possible to have ailments diagnosed and treated using natural herbal compounds while in Bhutan.
Waterborne diseases
such as diarrhea, dysentery, giardia and even typhoid are not uncommon in Bhutan, especially during the summer monsoon season. Therefore, ensure that all water has been thoroughly boiled or otherwise purified before consuming.

In case of emergency, it is advisable to carry first aid material, which might include a few antibiotics and acetaminophen paracetamol.

Altitude sickness
can strike at altitudes as low as 2,500m. Be aware of this before embarking on expeditions in the mountains. If you suffer palpitations, shortness of breath or severe headaches, inform your guide and head to a lower altitude immediately. Take altitude sickness seriously. It can and does kill.

The hygiene standard is acceptable in tourist areas. However, it is probably wise to prepare medicine for stomach upsets.

The Street dog population is very high in Thimphu and to a lesser extent in many of the towns. Most of the animals are extremely docile and there are very few cases of tourists ever being bitten. Still, it is best to err on the side of safety and not to disturb the animals. Moreover, if bitten, immediately receive a rabies vaccination. Although incidences of the disease are uncommon, it inevitably proves fatal if left untreated.

Malaria and Dengue fever
are not common problems in Bhutan, though there are outbreaks in the Indian border regions during the summer monsoon season.

Common Languages

The mother tongue of most people residing in Western Bhutan, and the kingdom's official language.
The major regional language spoken in Eastern Bhutan.
This language is spoken in the Bumthang region.
Most people of the borders used to use nepali language.
and Hindi. Both languages are understood by most people in urban areas.


The suffix 'la' is an honorific, and many Bhutanese feel that their remarks sound too harsh if it is not used, and this carries over even into English. So, don't be surprised if you hear expressions such as "Yes-la" or "I'm not sure-la". It just implies respect.
In Bhutan, the verb 'reach' means to 'take' or 'accompany' a person. For example: "I'll reach you to the bus station" means "I'll take/accompany you to the bus station."
Cousin-brother, Cousin-sister
Extended families living under one roof are common in Bhutan. As a result, the dividing line between siblings and cousins is blurred, and so it is not uncommon to be introduced to a "cousin-brother" or "cousin-sister". Although these people are just cousins, the English word implies a more distant relationship than is the fact in Bhutan.
The exact meaning of this phrase is 'Bhutan Standard Time', but as Bhutanese people are notorious for being late or just not turning up at all, it has taken on the meaning of 'Bhutan Stretchable Time'. Therefore, when someone arrives late, they will often excuse themselves by saying that they are running on BST.

The king and former king are accorded a great deal of respect in Bhutan. It is wise to bear this in mind when conversing with local people.

Sacred objects
Always pass mani stones, stupas and other religious objects with your right side nearest to the object, and turn prayer wheels in a clockwise direction. Never sit on mani stones or stupas.
When visiting temples, remove shoes and head gear and wear clothing that expresses respect for the sacred nature of the site. You will need to wear pants and long shirts.
At monasteries, it is custom to make a small donation to the monks as a sign of respect; and also to the Buddhist statues as a means of developing a generous and spacious mind. There are many places in each temple where you can donate, and it is expected that you donate to each place. Remember to have small notes for this gesture. However, this is not mandatory.
It is illegal to smoke at monasteries and in public places.
Products containing tobacco cigarettes, chewing tobacco etc are effectively banned throughout Bhutan which remains the only country in the world to do so and penalties for possession or use may be severe.