
Amidst all of the old samurai atmosphere, don't forget that Hagi is on the Sea of Japan — there's swimming to be done. Try Kikugahama, a popular beach to the east of Mt. Shizuki and north of the city center.

Boat Cruise
+81 0838-25-1750
¥1200 adults, ¥600 kids
9AM-4PM March-Oct, to 3PM Nov

The Hagi Tourist Association runs pleasant cruises on the Hashimoto River and the Sea of Japan, with a guide to direct attention to the Eight Fine Views.

Kurumayado Tenjuppei
+81 0838-26-6474
For two people, expect to pay ¥6000 for 30 minutes, ¥10,000 for one hour, or ¥20,000 two hours.

Rickshaw tours of the historic sections of the city center. They have standard itineraries to match the tour length, but substitutions can be made.

Yuzuya Honten
1189 Nakoya
+81 0838-25-7511

The natsumikan is a citrus fruit that's grown in many local gardens, and squeezed into a tasty juice. At Yuzuya Honten, you can buy natsumikan and other local fruits whole, enjoy them as ice cream, or lend a hand at turning them into juice or marmalade. Visitors also get a free cup of Sonjoku, a local beer. It's on a peninsula directly north of the city — either take a cab or walk west from JR Koshigahama Station.


Hagi Historical Festival

During weekends in November, this festival involves people in traditional Choshu garb on parade through the center of town.

Hagi-yaki Festival

This festival is at the beginning of May. About 50 pottery shops from around the city come to the City Gymnasium to exhibit and sell their wares. It's a great opportunity to buy hagi-yaki at a low price.

Hagi Summer Festival

This festival at the beginning of August. On the first day, about 8,000 fireworks are lit over the sea off Kikugahama.