
Quetta is firmly planted on the overland to/from Iran route and sees its fair share of travelers, and most don't run into problems. Balochistan gained some media attention as a hideout and winter home for the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and some high-profile wanted men have been captured here. While this may invoke fear in some, you're unlikely to be bothered here, as they're more in hiding and trying to blend in than out starting trouble.

Currently the general level of safety for foreigners deteriorated as the Head of the UNHCR office in Quetta was kidnapped and taken to Afghanistan. If you are on a official mission or high-profile business some caution should be excersised.

All in all the people of Quetta are friendly but don't question their religion, culture and tradition. The Pashtuns pride themselves on their tradition of hospitality milmastia in Pashto to guests. Just a greeting of Salaam Alaykum will get you far in endearing yourself to people.