
Kajak ole
Strandgade 50
+45 40 50 40 06
from 245 Kr

This outfit conducts guided kayaking tours around the canals of Christianshavn and Holmen. The owner is a nice and friendly dude, that has been doing his tours for more than 10 years. the 3 standard tours ranges between 1½-3 hours, but you can also request special individual tours. Also arranges hilarious kayak water polo games.

Vor Frelsers Kirke
Sankt Annæ Gade 29
+45 32 54 68 83
Church: 11AM-3.30PM, Tower 10AM-4PM

Climb the 400 steps to the top of the spire of the church for panoramic views of Copenhagen. The last steps are on the outside of the spire. Rumor has it that that the designer throw himself out the tower, when he discovered the rotation of the stairs was the wrong way, so that sword fights would have to be fought with the left hand, however the spiraling stairs was meant to symbol the ascend into heaven.

Casino Copenhagen
Amager Boulevard 70
+45 33 96 59 65
Entrance: 85 Kr.

Is the only Casino in Copenhagen

Christianshavns bådudlejning of café
Overgaden neden Vandet 29
+45 32 96 53 53
80 Kr/hour

Interesting mix of a café on a floating dock in the canal, that also rents out rowing boats for sailing in the canals of Christianshavn. Also sells picnic baskets for the boats.

The Operahouse
Ekvipagemestervej 10
+45 33 69 69 33
Price varies.
5PM-last show

Opened in 2005 in a striking building overlooking the harbor, designed by world renowned architect Henning Larsen. Mainly hosts Opera's, but occasionally shows contemporary music concerts, and plays. For Opera's there are always 25 tickets reserved for selling on the day.