
Little Salon
71 Gertrude St
61-3 9419 7123
Tu-Sa 11AM-6PM,

Little Salon is a small boutique specializes in retailing local designer accessories, housewares, and clothing.

Kleins Perfumery
313 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
9416 1221

Home to all things that look and smell desirable, Kleins Perfumery stocks more than 60 fragrance and cosmetic brands. An assault on the senses in the very best way.

Fat 52
209 Brunswick St, Fitzroy

With a reputation for Australian Avant-garde and contemporary fashion and design, Fat 52 delivers unique clothes that have the fashionistas clamouring over. Labels include Antipodium, April77, Beat Poet, Chronicles of Never, Criola, Fat, Friedrich Gray and Hem and Haw.