
Most Guineans eat rice with fish, because the country is rich in fish, and rice homegrown or imported from Thailand is relatively cheap. The more costly meals contain beef, goat, chicken or pork. Meals are also made with palm oil and peanut sauces and diverse vegetables. Guineans also eat wild/game meat deer, monkey, beaver etc. but these animals are considered to be in danger of extinction and so it is not recommended to support this.Guineans are known for their warm heartedness and so you will always be asked to come have a bit with a group of people it is common to eat from a large bowl..."bin kume, no kume"

Fruit available depends on the season, but mangos, papayas, oranges, grape fruits, bananas, cashews and peanuts are abundant. Also try the sour "fole" fruits and the baobab fruit juice sumo de cabaceira. Imported fruit can be bought in "fera de prasa" in the center of Bissau apples, pears, pineapples, watermelons etc but is more expensive than in Europe.

Vegetables sold in the markets include lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, parsley, okra, potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, chili, sweet potatoes.

Street snacks are typically sandwiches with hardboiled egg, omelete, fish or beef - or donuts, cake or hardboiled eggs. Frozen juice in small plastic bags is popular among locals.