
Tibesti Hotel Benghazi

Four-star hotel in town center. +218 61 9095160

Most hotels are state-run, and the standards of maintainance are not always perfect. Air conditioners/TVs/toilet fixtures/lamps, etc. can often be easily fixed with a screwdriver

Consider your Own towels. At busy times, a towel share system seems to be implemented, so you'd better bring your own and have the hotel staff wash them.

The rating system does not quite correspond to normally accepted guidelines.

The hotels are good, but service is slow, and the equipment in the room will not necessarily work.

However, unless you are fussy and demand western 5* standards, they are very pleasant and friendly places to stay.

There are normally multiple TV channels once you have replaced the batteries in the remote control. They include English-spoken films subtitled in Arabic, BBC World, and football Soccer channels.

* * * Hotel Sunotel Benghazi

Tel: 00218/619095160 Fax: 00218/619092114