Old City


Lutheran Hostel
St Mark's Road
(02) 628 2120
Dorm (single sex) ₪25, single ₪137, double ₪231
Christian Quarter

Dorm rooms are no longer available as of July 2009.


For those on a tight budget, youth hostels are ideal although occasionally somewhat dodgy, and often the cheapest places to stay in Jerusalem. Religiously-based hospices and guest houses, located mainly near the holy sites, is a popular and inexpensive alternative to hotels. Hospices and guest houses tend to maintain stricter rules than hostels.

Al-Arab Youth Hostel
Souq Khan el-Zeit, upstairs from Internet Cafe
(02) 628-3537
Dorm: ₪20-25
Hebron Hostel (formerly known as 'Tabasco Hostel')
8 Aqabat Etkia
(02) 628 1101
Dorm: ₪25-30; Private Room: ₪80-100
Through Damascus Gate, downhill until the fork: El Wad on the left, Suq Khan El Zeit on the right. Go right. After 500m sign showing hostel, turn left Aqabat Et Tekieh, Tabasco is situated a couple of shops further on right.
Our Lady of Zion
41 Via Dolorosa
(02) 627 7293
Ecce Homo Convent, Muslim Quarter

This hospice has clean and simple rooms and a great view of the Old City from the roof.


Austrian Hospice
37 Via Dolorosa
Dorm ₪58, single ₪206, double ₪323
Muslim Quarter
Casa Nova
10 Casa Nova St.
Under ₪224
Christian Quarter

High quality and comfort and a good location for the money, this hospice is popular with Catholic groups, so it is a good idea to book well in advance.

Christ Church Guest House
Omar ibn el-Khattab Square
(02) 627 7727
Jaffa Gate, Armenian Quarter

One of the oldest Christian hospices in the Old City, this location has plain, comfortable rooms and good range of services. Its location makes it very popular, so book well in advance.

Mount of Olives Hotel
53 Mount of Olives Road (Next door to the Chapel of the Ascension)

An affordable family-run hotel situated at the summit of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, next door to the Chapel of Ascension. Surrounded by famous churches and holy sites. Commands a dramatic view of the Old City and the magnificent Dome of the Rock. This hotel is accessible by bus #75 for ₪4 from Damascus Gate.

Seven Arches
Main Rd
(02) 626 7777
Mount of Olives near the Church of the Paternoster

This large, modern hotel is on the summit of the Mount of Olives and offers spectacular views.

Accommodation within the Old City itself is distinctly downmarket.

Top end

The facilities in the Old City are recommended for those on a tight or mid-range travel budget. For those looking to splurge on accommodations, there are quite a few recommended locations in Modern Jerusalem.