
Man crossing the river
Mostowa street
left from the bridge as you walk towards old town

a Przechodzący przez rzekę sculpture, balancing on cords

Main Post Office
Jagiellońska 6

Old, neo-gothical building.

Bazylika Św. Wincenta a Paulo
Aleje Ossolińskich 2
+48 52 58 58 913
It is a little walk from old town towards the area with parks and the conservatory

English: St. Vincent a Paulo church. A ginormous church, that looks like a roman temple and palace in one.

Town Hall
Jezuicka 1

Built in 1650's, extended at the beginning of the 18th century.

Grodzka 7-11

Old garners, built at the end of the 18th century. They currently host Leon Wyczółkowski's gallery.