

The country code for Sweden is 46. The area code for Falun is 23, or 023 if you're calling from a Swedish phone. Mobile phones have numbers that start with 70 or 73, that is 070 or 073 if calling from a Swedish phone. When making international calls from a Swedish phone, dial two zeroes, 00, before the country code.The emergency number is 112.


Sweden is one of the most online countries in the world. The catch for visitors, however, is that there's a slight shortage of internet cafés since most people have good connections at home. An internet café/pool hall is on Falugatan 4, but it's a dark, dingy place. The best place to get online in Falun, as well as in many other towns, is the library bibliotek. It is situated on Kristinegatan - walk towards the river from the main square and you're there.

Opening hours:

Mon-Thu 10AM-7PM

Fri 10AM-6PM

Sat 10AM-3PM

Sun 1-4PM