
4-3-4 Marinuno-machi
+81 0827-22-8044

Serves the finest dish of them all, Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki.

6-3-9 Marifu-machi
+81 0827-23-0820
11AM-2PM, 5-11PM

A great lunch option for seafood lovers, with sashimi and tempura sets as low as ¥680. At night, there's more of a pub-food and booze menu, but private dining rooms are available for dinner.

Iwakuni's main claim to culinary fame is a special kind of sushi, which is made with a square mold — not rolled in seaweed — and has some special flavorings such as chrysanthemum.

More recently, Iwakuni has become renowned for having an insane variety of ice cream. Within this small courtyard there are no fewer than 3 different ice-cream stores specializing in unusual flavors of soft-serve. One has 25 to choose from, another 50, and the smallest yet most famous of the lot has a whopping 100 flavors of ice cream including such classics as blueberry, chocolate, and garlic. You've probably seen this place on TV before, and if you haven't, well, you have now because the 100 flavor store plays the segment from their last encounter on loop on a monitor out the front. Loudly. The area is rather pretty and tends to attract a lot of stray cats and if you're lucky, kittens so feel free to let your inner child out for a bit and sit down licking ice cream whilst petting a happy feline. Joy. It's about 50 meters northwest of the bridge.

There are a few food tents near the bridge and Kikko Park, serving hot dogs, chicken, and other summer favorites.

1-27-17 Iwakuni
+81 0827-41-0021
Lunch sets from ¥2500, dinner ¥4000

Built in 1869 to serve as an Officer's Club of the Japanese Navy, this restaurant specializes in ayu, a kind of sweet fish that's often caught by the cormorant fishermen of Iwakuni. If you enjoy the food and the atmosphere, ask about overnight lodgings.