

Do not go to the train station area at night if you want to avoid visible hints of prostitution.

water tunnels

If you are exploring abandonded urban area then be careful where you step. In some places there are water tunnels with murky waters which are more than 2 meters deep couldn't find a bigger stick to check, which are populated by turtles and frogs. It is common for local kids to catch frogs in these basins. You probably could go scuba diving them if you were really really really insane. Because these are industrial waters, it would be best not to touch them. Also be careful of broken floors. It goes without saying that buildings which have been abandoned can't be as easily trusted as maintained ones. tread carefully. bring a flashlight, water and food. You'll most likely want to spend the entire day exploring, so you'll be far away from convenience stores.

stray dogs

In Iasi, dogs run wild and in these abandoned regions they are out of control. It is not uncommon to see 10 or more dogs together in packs. Do not bother them. If they bother you, be aggressive. DO NOT RUN away from dogs although you should by any means run away from security guards. You can carry a stick around if you're really afraid of dogs.

Don't antagonize packs of stray dogs. If you are being followed by dogs, don't be aggressive; they're probably doing their own thing; however, if you find yourself threatened, do not run away. Instead, yell, throw rocks, try to kick, etc., but don't take away their food.


Beggars can be persistent; remember, just because someone is begging doesn't necessarily mean the person is truthfully poor or as disabled as it appears. Judge for yourself. If a gipsy approaches you trying to read your palm, guess your fate in a shell, etc., don't be surprised if you encounter hostility. Don't worry, you will probably not be attacked.


If you're going to go exploring abandoned factories, you always run the risk of being caught by a leftover security guard. You never know. Be quiet, be subtle, bring a camera, don't carry weapons and don't threaten anybody. A girl might help. Do not ask for permission to visit any place, you won't be let in and you'll increase vigilence. Unless you're prepared to pay, it's unlikely that a security guard would break the rules to allow you to do something which you might find fun. If you want to go in a factory or building, walk around it first to see if there are any security guards; if there are, you're better off going to another factory.

police corruption

In Iasi, the police are rather unpredictable. Someone may try to arrest you or fine you for putting your feet up on a bench in a park. If you get caught doing anything, be courteous, friendly, extremely apologetic etc. You may asked to pay a bribe fine know paying or receiving a bribe is illegal. The best way to distinguish a bribe from a fine is official written documentation that should be given to you. If you are asked to pay a bribe, politely refuse and do not pay. Paying bribes can make the situation worse for yourself and continues the problem for others. If this fails, it also is suggested to keep contact details for your embassy on you and insist on speaking to them.


Pickpockets are a problem in Iasi. Pickpockets don't advertise their strategies, but you should keep your money in a travel pouch tied around your neck and on the inside of a shirt if you want to be confident of its safety. Pickpockets are mainly around the main train station area, and target mostly people with lots of luggage, especially when trams/busses are full.

The best strategy is always check for suspicious groups of persons around you and just move if you see them surrounding you. Don't argue with them or start a fight if you find them with a hand in your pocket. Don't call someone out on their pickpocketing; chances are that you will not get the crowd rallied in your favor and you might cause an unnecessary aggravation for yourself. Simply leave.