
There are no jobs per se available to non-residents, only a few professional services e.g. teacher, nurse, social worker hired by the government in New Zealand, and a pastor assigned by the international Adventist church. On the other hand, anyone taking up temporary residence on the island is expected to be self-supporting, and to help with community needs such as crewing the longboats to reach supply vessels.

St. Paul's Pool

If the ocean is calm enough, go swimming in St. Paul's Pool, a picturesque tidal pool nestled among the seaside rocks in eastern part of Pitcairn. Swimming in the ocean itself generally isn't safe due to the rocky shoreline.


Sail yourself or perhaps travel with the locals to another of the islands. Oeno has sandy beaches suitable for swimming, Henderson offers rare opportunities for birdwatching and exploration of ancient caves dwellings?, and both are good for snorkeling or scuba diving among coral reefs and a few shipwrecks. Ducie is over 300 miles away, out of range of the islanders' boats, and therefore rarely visited, but is also good for seeing rare birds.

"Bounty Day"

Every year on January 23, "Bounty Day" is celebrated with a huge community dinner and the burning of a model of the Bounty.